Sunday, November 4, 2007

X-ray and Kids

I have been an x-ray tech for almost 32 years...if you count my two years of training. To say that I have a soft spot for kids and old people would be an understatement. It's hard to describe really, but there's just something precious about them, all of them, that makes my day. Most kids, even though they are scared, will do better with injuries than adults. Seriously, I have gone over to the Emergency Room to x-ray a child with a broken arm. It may be broken and severely displaced..(meaning not straight at all)..The child will be laying there trying to be very still and very quiet. Some will be screaming but most will not. Adults on the other hand, with the slightest sign of trauma they are screaming for pain medicine. Hard to believe..but it is very true. Kids are much tougher than we are! Old people, I mean from 75-95, they do great too. Most do not complain. A little lady I x-rayed the other night was 88. Cute as a button too. She had fallen and it appeared that her hip was probably broken. I explained to her what we had to do. She just smiled and said "Honey, do what you have to do"..She never yelled, just the opposite...she did her best to help me the entire time. I have a great respect for the older generation. They have been through so much in their lifetime and they handle it all with such grace. They have alot to teach us and I think that children do as well. INstead of US trying to teach them, perhaps we should stop and actually look at how they handle things. I really think we could learn alot.

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