Tuesday, January 22, 2008

XRay Information and DEXA Scans

Women today are much better informed about their health than their mothers or grandmothers. And, since we are so well informed there is no reason for any woman today to suffer from osteoporosis. Actually, that's a bit drastic, but there should certainly be a major decline in this disease. Osteoporosis is a progressive disease in which the amount of bone is decreased leaving a much thinnner and more brittle bone. This cortical thinning of the bones makes the bone much more prone to fracture. Fortunatley today there are several ways to detect Osteoporosis and treat it successfully.
The first step is to have a sit down talk with your Physician regarding your diet and your current lifestyle. He'll ask if you smoke, drink alcohol, and how, or if, you exercise. All these factors play a significant part in the health of your bones.Following your evaluation you will most likely be sent for a DEXA scan. This is a simple, painless procedure that is most often performed in the XRay department.
You will lie on a table while a scan is done of your lower spine, hips and possibly your wrist and hand. The results measure your bone density against those of a healthy young adult. If your bone mass is normal your score will be above a Minus 1. IF that score is between 1 and -2.5 then you are losing bone mass. For patients that are below -2.5 you are diagnosed with Osteoporosis.
Currently every woman over the age of 65 is recommended for a Bone Density exam. Men who are over 70 should have one as well. It is a very important thing to consider since one in 2 women, and one in 4 men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. SOmetimes the test is recommended for younger patients who happen to be in a higher risk group due to genetic factors or come other medical conditions.
If you are diagnosed with Osteoporosis the physician may prescribe a certain medication for you to try. There are other options too considering the severity of your condition. Following through with a healthy diet rich in Vitamin D, trying to exercise more, eliminating excess alcohol, and quitting smoking are all other factors that can keep your bones healthy.
Many people will ask if this test is really necessary? The test is very simple, painless and only costs around $150.00. MOst insurance companies and Medicare will pay for this procedure, it is that important. There is no question that one of medicine's most popular and effective exams is the DEXA Scan.

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